Revitalize Your Energy Naturally
Discover the power of natural remedies for a healthier, happier life.
Discover the power of natural remedies for a healthier, happier life.
Founder Donna Eden, created a practice in which Energy Medicine brings balance to the body by facilitating your own natural healing abilities. While using various techniques and protocols learned from the Eden Energy Medicine curriculum, the practitioner facilitates optimal energetic pathways to achieve a balanced energy system- physically, mentally and emotionally. A session may focus on any of the nine primary energy systems which include the Meridians, Radiant Circuits, Chakras, Aura, Five Rhythms, Triple Warmer, Celtic Weave, Electrics and the Basic Grid.
Our sessions will be for the purpose of assessing/ correcting basic Energy Medicine procedures from the Daily Energy Routine, DER. This helps “take the static out” of imbalances in your body, to then better receive the protocol you are coming in for. You can expect me to approach my work with you in a professional manner, to honor scheduled appointment times, and to treat any information I learn about you as confidential.
I have been an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner since 2018 and re-certified in 2025, a Reiki Master since 2013 and an Occupational Therapist since 2004. I have taken a few years off from the energy world to raise my children but am now ready and excited to share my skills and knowledge with you.
***Each session begins with the Daily Energy Routine (DER) assessment/ correction
(With this quick/ BASIC energy assessment you can learn new techniques that your energy system can benefit from and incorporate them daily into your life so you could build better energy habits).
You can choose from any of the following protocols, to follow the DER assessment, as you wish.
1. BRAZILIAN TOE TECHNIQUE: this session offers benefits that include very deep relaxation, alleviates pain, insomnia and restless leg syndrome. This technique can also eliminate or reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
2. THE BLACK PEARL SANCTUARY: this session involves working with the neurovascular points (on the head) and helps move negative, fearful thinking towards joy, trust and inner peace. It can help deeply relax a person and invoke natural healing processes.
3. CHAKRA CLEARING/ BALANCING: chakras directly feed the meridians and aura and are useful in helping all energy systems.
4. REIKI: Reiki helps to bring balance and allows the body to heal itself in 4 levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It's a gentle way to have the energy go to the body where it is needed.
***ALL SESSIONS are performed while you are FULLY CLOTHED, with the exception of shoes off.
All sessions are $55 per hour.
Sessions are 1 hour long.
Please note that at the St. John location there is a flight of stairs needed to go up to reach the office room and there is no elevator available. The setting here is more "zen"- located at the Zen Den.
The Hobart location does not have stairs! However, I am using an educational room for sessions- located at Busy Bee Creative Works.
My hope is that I can provide you with a session that your energies can benefit from, regardless of where you choose to participate.
The Energetic Place is hosting an Educational workshop on various techniques to help balance the body for Stress/Pain Management, Digestive/ Eye and Immunity Health! Come learn some simple techniques to balance these issues energetically.
Friday, March 14, 2025
Busy Bee Creative Works- Hobart
The Energetic Place has TWO LOCATIONS: St. John and Hobart
The Zen Den- St. John, IN
Busy Bee Creative Works- Hobart, IN
By appointment only. Please call to schedule!